lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

My social network profile

TASK # 1
TITLE: My social network profile.
DEADLINE: 16/10/16
INSTRUCTIONS: Write a complete profile giving personal information. Try to make it sound interesting. (Minimum 80 words)

Hi! My name is Raquel Bravo. I´m sixteen years old and I live 
in Málaga, el Palo with my parents. I only speak Spanish and a little of English. 
In my free time i like go out with my friends and listen to music , my favourite singer is called Kaydy Cain.
I love traveling , at Christmas I would like to go to Holland to visit my cousins. Right now,I´m studying at 1 bachillerato at high school and every Friday after the school I have classes of mathematics and physics because they are the subjets more difficult for my opinion. In the future,I would like to be physiotherapist beause I love give masages.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016




Given on : 25/05/2016
DEADLINE: 29/05/2016
INSTRUCTIONS:Follow instructions in exercise 5 on page 99



The condoms block contact of semen that cause pregnancy. They can be used as adjunctive contraception. If for example you want to have sex without getting pregnant, man can put the condom on the penis to prevent sperm joining ovule.

Another advantage is that it reduces the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs ) including HIV. For example if you use the condom you are less likely to have vaginal infections in the case of women. It prevents many vaginal diseases .

The same that has advantages also The same that it have advantages, it It also has disavantages for example fin some cases it reduces the male sensation and if this happens the man can´t fully enjoy the sexual relationship with the condom on the penis.
Most condoms includes among the components of latex to thimerosal and some people are allergic to latex,so there are many people who can not use it.
In general, I think the world is better with the use of condoms because without them some people would be pregnant without being desired.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016


GIVEN ON: 25/01/2016
DEADLINE: 29/01/2016
INSTRUCTIONS: WRITE an email to a real person. FOLLOW the guide below:

Paragraph 1:  Greet and give news of yourself.

Paragraph 2: Give news about friends and family.

Paragraph 3: Ask about the other person's news and suggest a meeting.


Hi aunt! Sorry for not writing before but i didn't have time. Here in Malaga All are well, Grandma's have operated of one eye and is at rest but fine. My father is working at now and I says will go on holidays to visit you. In studies I do well but it is more difficult than the last year.This weekend I'm going to stay on almeria with the family to visit the city. How are you boyfriend? And your cousin?  I think that if you want you come to my grandmother house ... or if you would like i'm going to visit you to Madrid. I miss you ... please write me when you see the email and give me news about you.

martes, 12 de enero de 2016


GIVEN ON: 08/01/2016
DEADLINE: 13/01/2016
INSTRUCTIONS:  PLEASE, finish writing the letter to the 3 Kings.
1. For a person very dear to me, please, bring, ......
2. For my family (or a member of my family, please, bring, ...
3. For my country, please, bring, ...
4. For the world, bring, .....

Dear Kings this year I would like to to think of others instead of me and so I ask you for my friend Noelia  I would like to bring a Smart balance wheels because I know than she wanted one since a long time. For my family please bring health and employment and specially bring some clothes and cologne for my parents because they deserve. For my country please bring less violence and fewer attacks and had more work for the Spaniards and for the world please bring less poverty for the people of others country,for example Africa.